The Differences Between Traditional and Biological Dentistry

Wellness Wednesday: The differences between traditional and biological dentistry.

One of the questions I am frequently asked is: “How would you describe the difference between traditional and biological/holistic dentistry?” Please note that the information contained in this post is based on my opinions and experiences after 27 years of practicing clinical dentistry.

Symptoms vs. Systems. The “drill, fill and bill” approach, taught in dental school, helps manage a person’s acute dental issues. However, it does not get to the “root cause” of why decay started in the first place. In our biological practice, we strive to understand how the health systems of the patient are not in balance. We work with their team of health practitioners to bring them back into a state of oral and whole-body wellness.

The dentist knows best vs. the patient knows their body better. One of the most common statements I hear from patients who are frustrated about their past dental experiences is that they do not feel that their opinions and experiences are validated. Most biological dental practices recognize that the patient is the best source of knowledge and information about their health experience. By asking questions about what the patient feels physically and intuitively, we gain a deeper understanding of their health issues.

Absence of pain vs. lack of disease and energetic balance. Frequently, I talk with patients who, when they learn of the potential degrading health effects of root canals, say, “But it doesn’t hurt at all.” Yet when we look at the health issues from which they suffer, it is common to see that their “disease state” started shortly after the root canal AND involves a body organ, joint or tissue which is energetically connected to the tooth affected!

If you desire a relationship with a dental team that appreciates and supports your whole health, reach out to us through our website to reserve your New Patient Experience today and to learn about our Dental Tourism options!

Blodgett Dental Care – Human Beings Helping Human Beings

If you desire an approach to your oral health care where all the treatment options are presented and you get to choose based on your values and goals, we would love to help you!  Please email us at to reserve your New Patient Experience and visit our website to learn about our Dental Tourism solutions. We are here to serve you!

Call Blodgett Dental Care at (503) 713-6980 to schedule your next appointment!

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