Feel Whole Again: Your Humanistic Guide To Healthcare!
Feel Whole Again Your Humanistic Guide to Healthcare Releasing Fall 2025 A roadmap to feeling your best today! Feel Whole Again: Your Humanistic Guide to Healthcare focuses on empowering individuals to tap into their natural capacity for wellness. The book emphasizes...
Is Your Doctor Listening To and Valuing Your Thoughts and Feelings?
Is Your Doctor Listening To and Valuing Your Thoughts and Feelings? Let’s face it. Most doctors want to tell you what’s “wrong” with you before they ever ask you how you feel. Recently I observed a healthcare interaction with a family member where the doctor was...
What Qualifies A Dentist To Call Themselves “Biological?”
What Qualifies a Dentist to Call Themselves "Biological"? As I approach my 10th anniversary of being a member of both the IABDM (International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine) and the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology), I have...
Wellness Wednesday: Life-changing smile makeovers are possible without needing to grind healthy enamel away using “No-Prep” veneers!
Life-Changing Smile Makeovers are Possible Without Needing to Grind Healthy Enamel Away Using “No-Prep” Veneers! The value of a smile you love is hard to qualify. But the email I received from my daughter 2 weeks after enhancing her smile with no-prep veneers pretty...
The Truth About Root Canals
The Truth About Root Canals: What You Need to Know I believe in providing the most accurate information possible. Although I would not personally choose to have a root canal performed on any of my teeth for health reasons that I will share, there are some advantages...
The Whole Health Podcast: A New Dental Podcast is Dropping…
The Whole Health Podcast | Where Dentistry Meets Nutrition The Whole Health Podcast: A Revolutionary Approach to Health Coming This Summer We're excited to announce the upcoming launch of The Whole Health Podcast, a groundbreaking series that will bridge the gap...
Hydrogen-Rich Water and Biological Dentistry
Wellness Wednesday: Hydrogen-rich water and Biological Dentistry! At Blodgett Dental Care, we have implemented a multitude of technologies and therapies that are highly health promoting such as PEMF (Pulse Electromagnetic Field) therapy, full-body red and...
Wellness Wednesday: When Chronic Infections Are Removed the Body Can Heal Itself
The Body Can Heal Itself: Remove Your Chronic Infections! When chronic infections are removed the body can heal itself! A patient who traveled to see us from Dallas, Texas, had suffered from chronic dermatitis that would not go away with any traditional treatments....
A Healthy Root Canal Is A Lie
Toxic Tuesday: A Health Root Canal Is A LIE! For the first 15 years of my career, I performed root canals. But after extracting thousands of root canals, I noticed a pattern. When a root canal treatment is performed, the inside of the tooth looks clean. The colors of...
Attention Healthcare Providers: Seek less to KNOW and more to UNDERSTAND!
My Plea to Healthcare Providers: Seek less to KNOW and more to UNDERSTAND! Seek less to KNOW and more to UNDERSTAND! What an idea right? Years before I became a dentist, I was pursuing a career in psychology. My vision was to become a counselor and help people with...
The Solution Is Not A Root Canal: Teeth After Fillings
The Solution Is Not A Root Canal: Teeth After Fillings Ever had a tooth that felt fine until AFTER a new filling? The solution is NOT a root canal! Every week I meet new people who share the same story. They had teeth that felt fine until AFTER receiving dental...
The 2024 Toxic Tour Recap – Virtual Recording Available
The Toxic Tooth Tour: Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Holistic Dentistry In a healthcare system that generates over $4 trillion in revenue annually yet sees increasing rates of systemic disease, something isn't adding up. What if the root cause of many chronic...
Toxic Tuesday: Multiple metals in your mouth can lead to electro-magnetic mayhem
The Hidden Dangers of Multiple Metals in Dental Work: A Patient's Journey When we think about dental work, we rarely consider how different metals in our mouth might interact with other medical implants or affect our overall health. Today, I want to share a compelling...
Mouthwash Is Bad For You: 4 Better Alternatives
Mouthwash Is Bad For You: 4 Better Alternatives [Updated 5/25/2024]Did you know that Listerine was once marketed as a surgical antiseptic and powerful floor cleaner? What you don’t know about mouthwash might surprise you. Especially when it comes to your dental...
Blodgett Dental Care Embodies Humanistic Dentistry
Blodgett Dental Care Embodies Humanistic Dentistry Dentistry has become “green washed” with terms that are now meaningless. Practically every dental practice is using terms such as “holistic”, “biological”, “functional”, and “integrative” to capture clicks with their...
Toxic Tuesday: Wisdom Tooth Extractions and Breast Cancer
The Connection Between Wisdom Tooth Extractions and Breast Cancer Wisdom teeth are extracted in the United States at a rate of more than 10 million every year! But what are the consequences to your health when the extraction sites do not heal properly? Today’s story...
Wellness Wednesday: The Dangers Of Heavy Metals In Dentistry
The Dangers of Heavy Metals in Dentistry When this patient decided that she wanted all foreign materials removed from her jawbones. She stated, “I’m convinced that all these metals in my mouth are messing with my health!”. Going section by section, all 4 implants...
Toxic Tuesday: Biological Dentistry Considers More than the Mouth!
Biological Dentistry Considers More Than the Mouth! My weekly posts generally focus on dental issues that lead to systemic illness. But it is important to note that anything foreign to which your body is exposed presents a potential risk to your health. This could...
Toxic Tuesday: Autoimmune diseases and root canals – learn the connection!
Autoimmune Diseases and Root Canals – Learn the Connection! One of the most common rebuttals to my posts where I share the science and my observations of how root canals can be toxic is, “There is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that root canals...
Wellness Wednesday: What is the difference between a BIOLOGICAL and a BIOMIMETIC Dentist?
What is the difference between a BIOLOGICAL and a BIOMIMETIC Dentist? Last weekend when I was in Phoenix, AZ being interviewed on a very popular podcast (you’ll find out which one this Friday!) I was asked the question above. The following day while presenting my...
Wellness Wednesday: Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons!
Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons Today’s health recovery story is one of my favorites! From the moment I met this woman I thoroughly enjoyed her spirit. She was determined to regain her total health and wellness and to pursue the smile of her dreams! Like many people she...