The Dangers of Heavy Metals in Dentistry When this patient decided that she wanted all foreign materials removed from her jawbones. She stated, “I’m convinced that all these metals in my mouth are messing with my health!”. Going section by section, all 4 implants...
Biological Dentistry Considers More Than the Mouth! My weekly posts generally focus on dental issues that lead to systemic illness. But it is important to note that anything foreign to which your body is exposed presents a potential risk to your health. This could...
How to Reverse Cavities Naturally & Prevent Tooth Decay Oral health is connected to full-body health in a myriad of ways. In fact, conditions ranging from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, and even cancer are all directly connected...
The Power of Removing Oral Infection Yesterday we reviewed the story of a patient who had experienced the death of 3 upper teeth and how negatively this was impacting his health. Although he was experiencing severe skin breakouts, he had no pain in his mouth....
Safe Mercury Filling Removal (“SMART” Protocol) Make sure you choose a “SMART” dentist! It is widely known that mercury is a toxic substance to human health. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world have had this toxic substance put...
What You Need to Know About Dental Care & Diabetes Did you know that as many as 30 million people in the United States may have diabetes? It’s a serious health epidemic and unfortunately, one where the traditional medical establishment is lagging behind. Today...
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