Is Your Doctor Listening To and Valuing Your Thoughts and Feelings?
Is Your Doctor Listening To and Valuing Your Thoughts and Feelings? Let’s face it. Most doctors want to tell you what’s “wrong” with you before they ever ask you how you feel. Recently I observed a healthcare interaction with a family member where the doctor was...
What Qualifies A Dentist To Call Themselves “Biological?”
What Qualifies a Dentist to Call Themselves “Biological”? As I approach my 10th anniversary of being a member of both the IABDM (International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine) and the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and...
Wellness Wednesday: Life-changing smile makeovers are possible without needing to grind healthy enamel away using “No-Prep” veneers!
Life-Changing Smile Makeovers are Possible Without Needing to Grind Healthy Enamel Away Using “No-Prep” Veneers! The value of a smile you love is hard to qualify. But the email I received from my daughter 2 weeks after enhancing her smile with no-prep veneers pretty...
The Truth About Root Canals
The Truth About Root Canals: What You Need to Know I believe in providing the most accurate information possible. Although I would not personally choose to have a root canal performed on any of my teeth for health reasons that I will share, there are some advantages...
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