Toxic Tuesday: A Health Root Canal Is A LIE!

For the first 15 years of my career, I performed root canals. But after extracting thousands of root canals, I noticed a pattern. When a root canal treatment is performed, the inside of the tooth looks clean. The colors of the materials used to fill it are an opaque white sealer material and a salmon-pink colored material called “gutta percha”. However, when I extracted root canals I noticed significant blackness inside and outside the root canal.

In 2017 I started sending extracted root canals to DNA Connexions in Colorado for microbial analysis. If what I had been taught in dental school was true (that root canals are healthy and pose no risk to your whole-body health), then the roots of these teeth should have little to no microbes in them. What I found was completely the opposite! Over the past 7 years every root canal-treated root I have sent to DNA Connexions has shown incredibly high levels of microbes including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

What does the American Association of Endodontists say about this? Here is a quote from their website: “Information you may find on the Internet or elsewhere, claiming that if you receive a root canal treatment that you’re more likely to become ill or contract a systemic disease in the future simply isn’t true. This false claim was based on long-debunked and poorly designed research conducted nearly a century ago, long before modern medicine understood the actual causes of many diseases. There is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canal treatment to cancer or disease elsewhere in the body.” Notice – they don’t say that root canals causing disease was disproven. They say “debunked”. There’s a big difference!

If this is true, then why are my patients’ diseases disappearing once we remove their root canals?! If you are told that root canals are safe for your health, you are being misled! Read my other posts to further your understanding of why this is true.

To remove and replace your root canals and regain your best health, ping us through our website today!

Blodgett Dental Care – Human Beings Helping Human Beings

If you desire an approach to your oral health care where all the treatment options are presented and you get to choose based on your values and goals, we would love to help you!  Please email us at to reserve your New Patient Experience and visit our website to learn about our Dental Tourism solutions. We are here to serve you!

Call Blodgett Dental Care at (503) 713-6980 to schedule your next appointment!

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