Are Your Teeth Helping or Hurting You?

Dr.Kelly J. Blodgett spoke with the team at Clean Juice on their Be Organic Podcast.
Every system in your body is uniquely connected, but did you ever think that your teeth could be connected to your heart health, joint pain, or gut health? Not only can your teeth and gums tell you a lot about what is going on in your body, but they can also be causing some of those problems.
Today we talk with Dr. Kelly Blodgett, a holistic dentist in Portland OR who is on a mission to reverse the negative stereotype of dentistry. Not only can your teeth be trying to tell you what is going on in your body, but they could also be the trigger for some health problems like heart health or gastrointestinal issues.
But I’m also very thoughtful about the new technologies that I integrate into my practice. I like to be confident that any protocols, technologies or techniques I bring into my practice are going to be improvements on traditional alternatives. I want to make sure I’m offering my patients the best treatment options for gum disease, tooth decay, TMJ function and other dental health issues.
“If we want people to have great oral health we have to have great nutritional health, great breathing work.”
– Dr. Blodgett
Find out how harmful root canals can be for your health, what your wisdom teeth could be doing to your heart health, and more!
Please check out this great series.
2: 25 Holistic dentistry vs. traditional dentistry
5:00 Oral care and respiratory disease
7:30 Oral health and the G.I. tract link
11:03 Signs your gut health might be off
12:25 Heart health and oral health connection
17:13 Kat’s food trap problem
20:00 Breathwork & mouthbreathing
23:20 Tooth Meridian Map (your teeth can be connected to specific tissues or organs!)
25:14 Wisdom Teeth
31:45 Where to find Dr. Blodgett and learn more
We are always here to answer questions and bring a conversation to whole-body health. Email us at or fill out the form below.
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